Le lin est l’ingrédient français surdoué par excellence.
Naturel, végétal, cultivé localement, il a des propriétés hydratantes, réparatrices et apaisantes pour la peau, reconnues depuis des siècles.
0 déchet, très peu gourmand en eau, c’est l’ingrédient pépite pour une cosmétique naturelle, efficace et écoresponsable. Avec ses pouvoirs exceptionnels, il est à l’origine de tous nos produits.
The 360° use of linen

Flaxseed oil
One of the oils richest in essential fatty acids (Omega 3). Linseed oil has soothing, anti-inflammatory, healing, nourishing and smoothing properties.
Linseed oil is suitable for all skin types : dry, combination, oily and even the most sensitive skin.
At Linaé, we follow the cold pressing process in the oil mill to have our own organic linseed oil exclusive to the brand and allow us to guarantee exceptional quality.

Flaxseed gel
Flaxseeds are rich in mucilage. It swells on contact with water, forming a viscous substance: flax gel.
In cosmetics, the use of this gel is very interesting since it acts as a “ hyaluronic acid like ” and guarantees a very high level of hydration . Linen gel also has softening and plumping properties.

Linen Textile
It is hypoallergenic. Indeed, it is a healthy material with a beneficial effect on dermatological conditions and does not irritate the skin. It is also an absorbent fabric. Linen can absorb 20% of moisture without appearing damp, and it dries very quickly.
Finally, linen fabric is highly durable. Additionally, it does not pill, does not deform, and the more it is washed, the softer it becomes!

Composite linen
Linen can also be used as a bio-sourced material made from flax fibers and 100% natural components.
At Linaé, we use this biodegradable material to develop our displays to replace plastic . It is produced in Normandy in a short circuit, near the fields where flax is grown.

France, the world's leading producer of linen textile !
60% of world production comes mainly from the Normandy and Hauts de France regions. Growing this plant requires very little fertilizer and does not need irrigation.
Did you know ?
The cultivation of flax dates back at least 5000 years BC. A symbol of purity and light, it was long used in Egypt to wrap the mummies of Pharaohs in thin strips.
Today, flax is experiencing a real boom in the textile industry, especially for the production of bags, clothing, and household linen.
Endowed with exceptional mechanical properties, flax fiber also paves the way for numerous technical innovations, especially in the automotive sector (insulation) or in the sports industry (tennis rackets, surfboards).